Friday 5 January 2018

Power of will

The will is an innate force that is also referred to as "drive" it supplies speed for progress and produces perseverance, persistence, commitment and steadfastness. It makes you so strong against your opposition that you don't mind what is around you as much as where you are going and what you are looking for. In the absence of a will, there is bound to be discouragement, but where there is a will, there is excitement even in the face of difficulties. When you are truely decided and willing to achieve your goal, all barriers and obstacles fizzle out. Those who have succeeded in life and ended up successful are decision maker's, that is why the are never stagnated. When you decide to come out of your predicament it becomes a cheap possibility, believe that you are going to make it and stop bothering about how it will happen. This is the problem that paralysis many people in life, they place the cart before the horse.


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